actually all i want to say after what happened today in school is thanks loadz to the people who were there for me when i was :(
katrina macy amy yellow whom all told me to do whats best for me n it was really true cuz i did feel better immediatly after i said it
n yangjie and weicheng n macy n katrina who made me smile again after what happened
and now finally, i know what i have did is right. not of the decision i chose today, but of the desicion i chose before: to cherish what i have now. and i did. i cherished my family and friends most, and this is what i have today. thinking back, if i did not cherish them, or if i did not learn from my mistakes i would be dead. real dead.
i just learnt alot of things off this. people cherish more after they lost it. thats how i learnt. even though it was through the hard way, i still learnt alot from my mistakes.
but sometimes, if the soft way doesnt work, you will just have to learn it the hard way.
oh yah. im not changing next yr. if i am i prbbly will stay back 1 yr. so dats impossible for me. so i will either go biss or dulwich after s4 我現在只能認認真真的讀書 努力努力努力 要全力以赴了 不知道全力以赴的敏燕會考幾分呢。。
電腦不知道爲什麽不時簡體了 但應該沒關係 XD
爲了我的未來 我拚了!