从昨天开始就超级超级忙的说my weekly schedule
tuesday: math tuition with macy
friday swimming
saturday english class with joxin n her bro n my bro
sunday taekwondo n hip hop
urgh...喘不过气来了 这几天都好晚上线 kelvin 应该早就睡了 所以帮不上什么忙 不好意思噢~ 没想到我今天居然finish hw... except for maths... now i haf to lke finish all my hw in the day cuz my whole week is lke sooooo busy....urgh...
3.14.......白色情人节~ 真得好想收到礼物哦~~dat will b reli reli reli cool(:
i suddenly tot of memories of s2. i do not know why i cant think of the gd memories. my head is lke filled with the days when people quarrelled. things flying around XS.
be fore when i came into ssis. n first saw s2d i was lke wth = = cuz i saw lke ppl standing on table n yah... but now im used to it... i duno s2d is lke a changing point for me. lke loadz of things. i relaize how ppl can change i realize how ppl r lke it when they are they're REAL SELF. im lke confused. i was hurt emotionally. i juz realize this not long ago. now too. i am still hurt by the same person. EMOTIONALLY HURT. it sucks. i tot b4 if i get hurt my frenz will not get hurt. even a bit. so i didnt reli care much bout it. but den i duno y i still think dat if i get hurt myself ppl wun get hurt no matter wat. i tot i cld protect dem. or at least try. i mean i always think dat dis way i wun loose any1 in my life. not a single person. but now i know getting hurt hurts. ALOT