

Tagged by Weicheng
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, name and/ or objects but nothing made up.
TRY to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial.
You can't use your name for the girl/boy question.
Have fun!
My name is: Yap Min Yen
Four letter word: YEAH
boy's name: Yato ...(: it means blueeee(:
girl's name: Yvonne...??
Occupation: yodeler? dohh..reh...mi...fa...SOOO...LAHH.TII!!!
Colour: yellow
Something to wear:
Food: Light cheese
Something found in the bathroom: Living bacteria... ... millions of them
Reason for being late: you know, my alarm clock went crazy in the morning ><
Something you shout: yay!
Font: Lucida Grandest (But doesn't show on the Blog...)
TV show:
Song title: Last Christmas by Ashley Tisdale(LUV IT!!!)
Country: Lol... I don't know...
Name 10 people to pass this on:

anyways it wasnt easy doing this test...but it was quite fun (:
