

Sigh…I don’t know. everything now is about future. my grades, my grades, my grades. I just realize how important it is. Mommy asked me if I want to g back to Singapore. I said yes. To me, it’s a chance to prove to myself. And to the people around me. Then mommy said she want to put me into Anderson. Im a bit stressed about that idea because that’s where all my cousins go to. If I can go in, it’s a really good thing. But then two things that stress me out is: all my cousins are geniuses, even my sis is. Mommy says I’m just lazy n I lack determination. Yah I do. Another thing is, Anderson focuses on math, so your mathematics must be really good then you can join in. now I realize why math is so important. Everybody is going crazy over maths. I bet in that school its math math math. Maybe that is why my cousins are geniuses. They are like being polished n polished n polished n polished. Like a jewel that glitters all the way through. I want to go back to study but what if I have to sit s2 again…sigh…I don’t want that to happen
:( i wana go into anderson... den mommy ask me who's going to take care of you? you cant even take care of yourself.
i know i can but..*sigh*
