(: cca was funner dan i tot at least not so boring (:
e guyz kept teasing mr ng >< color="#66ffff">(: for the atom project we are going to finish after we copy
all the information onto the poster (: yay~
in chinese class i got 口试n when the teacher ask me 那你认为有什么
解决的方法吗?den 1 guy suddenly say 当然没有 0.o i was lke
wth...n tcher was lke 别理他。。
oh ! and i got a 4 for math its not good for me though
i could have got a level 5 or 6 juz 2 careless :( ms chang say got improvement
onli a bit lah... last quiz i got 3 last last onli 2 or 1
dont really feel lke going out for christmas holiday cuz i wana take this time to revise
lke memorize bio notes chem notes history notes english reread notes og Kite Runner (:
chinese memorize n read again geography memorize phyiscs...read all the books that all e
smart smart cuzin give me (: (e explanation is much more easier ><) most importantlyyy
do more math question lke do all the practise on the wkbk n txtbk
feel so insane all of a sudden X) im doin dis insane stuff 4 my future plan to get into a gd gd s4 class n get gd scores in h1 n h2 n get in2 a gd university BUT during this process i will not tire up myself lke wat my sis did ...slp at 2 every week end to study ! how can i even do dat :S but den if its reli needed den i'll g dat insane lke wat ms chang said dun tire yurself up so early~:)
all e cuzins say dat uni is EASY...wth...easy个屁...u onli haf a chance either fail or pass
n now is the time to prepare for the crazy days ahead (:
even if i hrd b4 dat uni learn the things when u r s3 n s4 it'll b easy...but if its dat so easy, y go u?
or mayb juz to get a diploma n degree tlkin bout diploma i need to work xtra xtra hard to get into IB it's lke with IB u can get into any any gd gd uni....(:
by juz doing 1 practise paper of SAT u will no how bad yur english is....i got 5 right onli...out of 13 questions...n my essay teacher say i use too many I's dunno y its bad n for maths any secondary student can do it its sooooo easy dey show u e equations on the top n all the questions at the bottom
lke there's a sphere wats the volume of it ?
at least now i no how MATHS is "important" in IB...english is much more important...
anyways.... i juz finished reading When We Were Orphans n 5 more pages of 大象的眼泪 it was not as gd as i tot...more of an adult novel i think mayb the next book im going to read is The Sea or the chinese bk about a person who counts the sand n gives it names lke 1..2...3..4..5..6..7..8.9..i think he has lke over hundreds of it...lol
oh yeah n in english class mrs wong was tellin us bout chilli padi n what it meant: looks small, but when he/she speaks, the words can harm people alot..
for some reason, some people starting going PAD -DI PAD-DI we kept repeating it but mrs wong didnt get our jokes ...0.o~~~~ OH YEAH WE'RE GONA FINISH KITE RUNNER SOON~
but bad thng is we're gona start on shakespeare....errr is dat how u spell ?!?! 0.o
must start doing hw now (: (:
jia you ! fightinn(: