

Sigh…I don’t know. everything now is about future. my grades, my grades, my grades. I just realize how important it is. Mommy asked me if I want to g back to Singapore. I said yes. To me, it’s a chance to prove to myself. And to the people around me. Then mommy said she want to put me into Anderson. Im a bit stressed about that idea because that’s where all my cousins go to. If I can go in, it’s a really good thing. But then two things that stress me out is: all my cousins are geniuses, even my sis is. Mommy says I’m just lazy n I lack determination. Yah I do. Another thing is, Anderson focuses on math, so your mathematics must be really good then you can join in. now I realize why math is so important. Everybody is going crazy over maths. I bet in that school its math math math. Maybe that is why my cousins are geniuses. They are like being polished n polished n polished n polished. Like a jewel that glitters all the way through. I want to go back to study but what if I have to sit s2 again…sigh…I don’t want that to happen
:( i wana go into anderson... den mommy ask me who's going to take care of you? you cant even take care of yourself.
i know i can but..*sigh*


我宁愿被爱一个自己不爱的人,than 去爱一个自己知道不可能喜欢上自己的人。
被爱和去爱 你会选什么呢?


i can do watever ppl do , sis so wat if my hand is lke dat ....
i'm normal...lke everyone...but juz different with many many bad memories... and with hands lke dis... i no if i juz relax i'll b ok...but u guyz duno if i relax its still lke dat...
im so tired it might b a challenge dat God planned in my life, i no i haf to face it, but ....
i can do it if anyone else can right?



aiyah yesterday didnt go today coach say no time to bringus go
hrd dat yesterday 8 ppl got send into hospital some got hit in the face n in.......><
a 100 kg man juz went up dere n got hit n sent 2 hospital reli scary
aiyah i wana go watch lah
today is the final!
my coach say my bro can join next yr
cuz he's tall enuf n skinny enuf my sis also can join but she might not win cuz coach say u can write yur name but call a proffesional 1 to hit for u
unless u wana die den join...
haha even if u didnt win it'll still look gd...


still writing english essay 921 words now (: yay begginin to lke my hairstyle haha!
if the price was cheaper i hope to go there lke every time i cut my hair cuz its the onli shop dat i went to dat made me feel happy with my hairstyle immediatly (:
but rite...duh..its lke a japanese shop n beside it is lke a korean hair salon ... the korean 1 looks cool
oh yah n in the japanese salon mostly all guyz haha
*skip* *skip*
den wait for my mom dye her hair a person give me magazine to read XD so cool
saw lke alot of beauty stuff lke when u finish swimming if u want to condition yur hair use tomato sauce
now my face looks so korean X)
anyways muz concentrate n do english essay
aaahhh i cut my hair ><


(: (:
on christmas eve :
did hw in the morning .....
den went to zheng da n shopping
eat lunch first was sooooo baddd
den played with younger sis a very childish game (I PLAYED WITH HER CUZ I WAS BOREEEDD)
anyways we kept looking at cars n see if any1 wasc stupid enuf to drive in circles....but of cuz....no 1 was...den we changed another game my sis started counting how many ppl wore red....X)
went to vero moda first decided to buy a sweater for sis, but what if she dun like .. den never buy told mom if sis wana buy she'll come herse;f XD den went to esprit den went to H&M didnt see any interesting stuff..... saw a woman trying on a green wool cap which looks kinda cute... but when i saw her posing w/ her frenz in front of the mirror i was lke...wth....wat is she doin...
end of day (:
oh yah n i made cheesecake watched cape no. 7 (: den keyou jingyi christy n max came at first it was onli jingyi den dey went boo! anyways it was reli fun (: got a dolphin earring from keyou ! yay! thank u so much (:

christmas (:
yayyyyyy its christmas!!!! too bad it isnt snowing....
den went out to eat lunch sis got a free thingy frm the waitress but it broke when we went home
den we went to outlettttt (:
went to esprit again den went to roxy sis bought a short skirt n jeans my bro bought a jacket at quicksilver den went to some other shops den went to starbucks sis started crying...X( didnt get to eat the strawberry cake..
anyways den went home watched alot of dvds (:

doing english esssaayyyy aiyah juz managed to write 464 words
mayb write another evidence if cannot reach a 1000 words then i'll ask all mi cousins...bet dey no sth bout it


xmasss (:

myyy dear dear xmmax wishlist
1. a special special present (:
2. a huge huge toy bear
3. a beanie cap
aiyah i duno wat to write :S
anyways i juz wan a special special special special xmas present (:


aiyahhhh 你为什么说的和我一样 *pout*


partying (:

2day after taekwondo i went to jingyi hse, den i went home to change (:
den we went to keyou's place to pick him up
den we were on the rd for lke 1 hr juz to find that bowling place
den when we reach no1 was there
n jingyi was hungry so we went to eat papa johns
at papa johns we ordered a cheesestick n bread stick
den i put ALOT of cheese on top *yum*
den we got someone's call....forgot who was it..anyways we went to the bowling place after eating
den we played pool me n jingyi played the arcade (: fun fun (:
we played n played n played *skip the unhappy parts*
we all went to bowl but no lane den muz wait
when got alredi at dat time i muz go liao...:( but i had a fun fun day 2day(: yay!

e stupid bruise is still on my hand....


last day(:

today in the morning
followed macy n christina to change into kimono
den head start to get giddy
den i very giddy
den i told christina almost cried
cuz very giddy
n tired
den went to clinic
doctor say i got fever 38 degrees
den weicheng sit over dere n listen
den i eat medicine n slp
actually no
i didnt even manage to sleep for 5 minutes
kept rolling around n playing with my glasses
den harry n christy came
thanks so much
den christina n hedy came
den christina went to do sth
hedy n me tlk bout stuff
dey told me a bad news
but to me i think ok lah who cares..(:
den i went out
cuz cant slp den i went to classroom
christy ask me if im ok
den alot of ppl ask
den mrs wong tell me to eat
haha but dat time no mood to eat lah sick leh eat wat
den performance time (: me, christina n macy singing in the washroom fun fun (:
den we take pic (: (:
den we go watch keyou's performance den we sing the We Are the world with the whole skl (:
got very hyper bet the principal too cuz he also started singing
skip skip
oh yah e cake thing haha n the nuggets (:
*smack lips*
luckily got food to eat (: or else muz buy things at brilliance to eat liao
thx mr crazy (:
den we go play arcade
play play play everything was all right
i saw elizabeth crying
den she told me hilary was drunk alot of ppl smoking
her face was lke totali freaked out
den i tot i cld help out with hilary so i went in
i didnt want anything to happen so i rushed in suddenly some woman working dere say u looking for 209 (in chinese) den i say yah i walk faster cuz scared sth reli happen or else die
den i saw dem caisheng was sitting over dere looking at songs on table got beer can n botttle den hilary came she was totaly drunk it was so hecking scary
at first i was a bit scared den i ran out of dat heckin place
den it stayed in my mind cannot forgot tried reli hard den den hedy keep saying dat was when i freaked out
i got hecking scared n started crying den i almost felt lke curling on the floor den i cdnt stop cuz every1 keep tlking bside me den i very messed up den i run out of the place
den i saw kevin, cash, tommy, paul n some other ppl he was lke u look so happy today at first i stopped crying but den i cried again
cuz i was hecking scared
den christy n keyou keep saying no 1 is going to hurt u n stuff ... felt bit better den i went in
fever think come back again
den i looked at them play pool juz sat there n stared
den send some sms but no reply :(
den later got darker
den i saw wayne lol. forgot dat he goes to brilliance every friday dats wat erika said at first was lke omg den was oh so wat watever
den christina wan 2 c who he looks lke
den christy also go see den joxin also
dey say he not handsome lol of cuz lah he playboy leh dat time some1 also took pic of him smoking in front of the skl (old)
aiyah y i tlk bout him ah
anyways skip skip
den me keyou hansika n luwee go to macdonald n buy drinks
den we took alot of straws keyou kept pressing the thingy lke vote or sth
the woman looks a bit pissed
den we went up
all e ppl all playing very fun
bought too much coke cannot drink finish
before i left gave all to aaron
den said merry christmas 2 every1
den joxin send me to lift
on the way
den caisheng n marilyn outside said bye to dem (:
den i went home (:



2day is a fun fun day (: in bio class mr lloyd act as santa clause very funny. but when every1 saw him at the window we got shocked X) lols :) hilary got gummy bear i got the soft coke candy (: *yum* some people got lollipops (: den it was english keyou was singing we wish you a merry christmas (: every1 started lafin den ms wong was lke do u still want to have yur lunch? haha
den lunch finally finish project (: yay!
den in art so boring i almost slept listened to musics with harry n watched TEAM AMERICA ! i love team america itsss sooooosooosooo funny got all swear words inside XD tuition tcher un let us watch but i watch liao (: some parts so sick some parts very touching some parts very "action"y
den when go back to class alot of ppl's money stolen go to hell lah whoever dat theif is :( steal my frenz money n i pod for wat *bleh* die lah u ! tcher come of cux say our fault lahhh
yay can't look forward to play 2moro

suddenly felt lke writing sth to my cool cool fren called KELVIN a.k.a. 音乐天才:
哈咯(:how's life in whereever u r now :S anyways u r not short so if ppl dare to bully u bcuz of yur height dat means dey r GIANTS! aiyah yur height normal height dey're height can go BOOM den its lke 1.90 m scarrrryyyy oh yeah yur new hse got swimming pool ah waaahhh soo cool den can swim every time u want (: now over dere its summer rite ? den can swim every day n sit n get cool in the pool (:
u said u not fitting in ah? miss yur frenz ah? bet u will i mean lolz 你肯定会的。。 可是我觉得你肯定不久会适应 如果你想朋友了, 就可以教他们去用skype 来跟你聊 den if cannot leh den u can use msn lah (: n me dis supergirl will help u not bcome a owl ah
i dun wan an owl as a fren :( anyways i am sure u can fit in soon (: juz trust yurself n yur frenz (:
dey dun wan u to b unhappy rite (:
S.M.I.L.E. 4 EVER (:


*POUT* ------> yay!

i didnt manage to post my last blog
2 weeks of holiday
wat m i gona do
mayb juz
go out shopping
do work
go out shopping
do work
go old skl
go out with old frenz especially
n play
(: (: dis lfe willb fun fun (:
will buy alot alot of presents for all my frenz (: yay!

we wish u a merrrry christmas (:
lol getting hyper now (:
even tho was unhappy juz now
i'm soooooooo 2 sided (:
juz now sad till curse dat person
now happy
begginin of the blog was unhappy den
lie to myself
now feel better
haf a "who cares" feeling now



im tired...:(
*sniff* *sniff* not physically tired, but mentally tired, emotionally tired...
tot today will b a happy day cuz...
but den i duno y
sth went wrong rite...? but den i reli duno
shld try to b happy rite
lke at least pretend ...?

im juz sick of lies dats all..
or mayb more dan dat


今天好累哦发生那么多事情一下子不知道怎么面对。这个人给我压力 那个人又要我说但我不想 那另外一个人给我一种不肯能给与信任的人 被老师骂了 今天product没带去学校 老师在白板上写的竟然是日期= = 也不能怪老师
pe 的时候摔倒了不管weicheng 的错。。 应该是自己摔倒了八 随便。。反正都发生了 现在也比较好了

现在一直在想事情 想啊想啊想 想到累了。。 不想继续想了。。。不是annoying 只是没我想象中的累
today alot of things happen
forgot to bring dt project mayb got detention but if got its e first time ....not happy bout it :(
in pe i fell while snatching the soccer ball with weicheng n den duno y i couldnt breathe juz sat there crying den went to the clinic den e doc ask me want to call my mom or not? still got class wat dats y i say dun need n dun wan mom to worry i also ay i later go back den tell now i feel much better. head not giddy can breathe better already
den after skl me n hansika were chatting cuz both of our carhaven come den she tell me sth. n dat sth is still going around my head repeating.. repeating.. dun lke it:( not fun
2day is a bad bad day :(



fill in the blanks for the new dictionary made by joxin, joxin's brother(wats his name ah??><) , me, and my bro.
a is for ( )hole
b is for ()itch
c is for .....
d is for .....
e is for....
f is for () u-c-k-
g is for ()an
h is for ....
i is for ....
j is for....
k is for ()ao
l is for .....
m is for.....()a de
n is for ()i ma de
o is for ....
p is for ....
q is for...
r is for....
s is for ()lut
t is for ()md
u is for ...
v is for....
w....is for ()hore
x is for....
y is for....
is for....

lol actually these are the stuff we made up during english class (: we ate chips cuz the tcher always buy food for us (: teacher very very nice (: den we want more so we say gd stuff bout the teacher

2days stuff (:
in taekwondo class teacher tire us up *bleh! * out of breath X( teacher only stand over there n say 1..2..3..4.. aiyoh....n the little little kids so ....annoyin...shld love little kids 1 wad but dey lke xiao ppl!
n den got a yellow belt annoyin lttle grl came annoying me again. was playing the cube thingy den she came said fun or not...0.o sounds mean...><
anyways after class, when i reached home we quickly went to eat lunch mom didnt haf time to cook lunch den we went out.... n ate a very sucky lunch my bro said its yummy i tot it was lke yuck... the juice was lke boiled orange juice....n heckin sweet too.
den i came home felt depressed...feel sick... feel that i wanty to avoid again.... bnut den its not a gd way...feel dat its impossible for me to not... lol... haf to go again...but den dis time will b faster..30 minutes? 40? lol...
>< hope dat some1 can tell me jokes now...its ok if its as lame as mr llyods... :(


:S :( :) mixed feelins wat me n christina tot

wat me n christina tot bout (:
1. guys shld make the first movee (: ( duhhhh ! unless dey r guys who r too shy >< or mayb if dat happens i'll juz wait ...4 miracle to happen ...omg i sound so heckin sarcastic X( )
2. if a guy falls in love with a girl, they should tell her i love you. if he is poor n cant afford anything like flowers or chocolates, saying i love you everyday is THE BEST (:
3. a guy should accompany a girl during the most special occasions for example: birthdays, christmas, valentines(: (if each day is a special day, me n christina will love it
4. if a guy is noticed being flirted with other girls, we, girls, will get hecking jealous n will flirt with other boyz, NOT INCLUDING U, n ignore you for a while, until you talk to her.
5. She will be happy if she knows that you talk about her with your friends, like gossip about her, about how much you like her ....( lolz. have to agree abit , i will b quite happy? i think (: at least dis way i wld no dat whether a guy lkes me or not(: )
6. if a guy tells a girl directly in her face that he likes her or i love you, it will work (: most of the time (: ( lolz sounds weird most of the time ? huh? but if its thru lke some kind of phone n no action later mayb i'll not accept :S haha dont know lah ~)
7. if a guy looks and stares at a girl, then turns his head away when the girl looks, its obvious that he likes you (: ( err...wat can i write for dis leh ???)
8. a girl would be really happy if she hears the three words from her bf everyday and say to the girl i miss you (: ( ....o.o? weird expression but yeah....no comments?lol )
9. if a guy makes a promise to a girl, HE MUST KEEP IT or the girl will be dissapointed and may not give him another chance....( lol, haha i mean mayb i will if it was e first time i wld b a bit disssapointed , 2nd time dissapointed...3rd time mayb i'll go...wth...>< u told me 3 times...how can i trust u again T^T)
10. last one....wat can me n christina think of leh? X)
errr....hm.....if a guy forgets his gf bday or favorite stuff, mayb she'll get unhappy :( ( haha 活该!*bleh* dis kind of guys will b *bleh*!)lols(:

wat can iwrite...d.speechless....:S

happy happy days

*frowns* *thinks* *thinks* *frowns*
lol wat m i doing ...0.o
supposed to do hw
but yeah
christina n joxin want me to do the dare =.='''
crazy people ><
hope to have more microwaved chips tommorow (:
*smaks lips *
*bleh to you teacher*
dun u dare not let me go to class again cuz i no how bad it
stinks now n I HATE IT !

min yen's normal life

mrs wong didnt come today cuz she said she needed to go to singapore to do some things n the relief teacher didnt know we changed timetable so she didnt come den me n joxin were sitting in the hallway n gossiping (: den a teacher saw us he asked us who was our teacher n we explained but he didnt comeback with another teacher, so it was al' right (:
in chinese class we watched a movie me, joy, n joxin were crying ....><>< cant blive its so sad T^T
in dt class i planned to make a doll mayb a voodo doll, or a hamburger (: haha hedy smashed the pillow on me n joxin ...got pissed off cuz the pillow was hecking dirty, laid over dere for weeks ! who noes what bugs crawled on it before ! mayb some 1 even stepped on it >< yucks ...
during lunch time me ,yang jie, joxin, christina, hedy, weicheng, vince, macy played truth or dare(: fun fun (: we told macy to kiss, hug, n say i love u to stanley haha (: yang jie say he wants to 整me >< too bad he didnt :P *bleh to u yang jie*
in math class caisheng asked ms chang when did she loose her first kiss haha it was so funny (: den ms chang went keep quiet ah , or i send u out of classroom >< we learnt bout matrixes mulitplication XS
den itwas history nothing much....almost fall asleeep :(
den it was geo nothing much but when i ran back to class i heard we had test no time to revise :( but then in the end mr tyrrell tell us its just for revision (:
den me n christina ran down the stairs, as usual (: mi wife wat (: haha X)
tomorow will be busy day muz revise make bio notes ( borrow from amberXD) do hw, revise do hw, by dat time a whole day gone ...
bet it will b busy busy day X)

will you do this for ur girl?

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she looks beautiful.
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair.
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.
• look at her like she's the only girl you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you're around your friends.
• be the one to take her hand, don't make her reach for you
• be the one to call her, don't make her always call you
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms.
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.
guys repost as : i'll do this for my girl.
girls repost as : will u do this for ur girl?
if you don`t repost this in four minutes you will lose the one you love.
if you do repost this in four minutes the one you love will :
call you;
kiss you;
love you



brother went out ...2 buy a christmas tree for his class 0.o said dat he will get the money back from class. not dat i dun blive.sounds to fake. mayb muz trust him more. played djmax. got a bad score. bad coordination. too slow . ><
den b4 dinner dad got mad n shouted at bro. feels bad. dun lke it when dad screams n shout. its annoyin.tirin.not fun. juz hope bro can stop makin dad pissed off.
den after practising piano felt bit better. played till my hands were sore. even tho practised onli a practise song. e kind dat repeats n repeats. but its confusin. left same as right but diff position. sounds weird. played three or four times. combine. even tho tcher dun let. juz trying it out.
the down 1 sounds better. cooler. goin higher 1 is weird. tcher say muz practise n hr aday :( tirin. play for few times hand sore liao. mayb muz practise more. den no sore arms n hands.
today in bio class i remember to tie n pin up my hair luckily didnt get own(: trying to smile now. mayb all e lol on msn now this moment is fake.
but anyways muz do hw liao :S



Tagged by Weicheng
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, name and/ or objects but nothing made up.
TRY to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial.
You can't use your name for the girl/boy question.
Have fun!
My name is: Yap Min Yen
Four letter word: YEAH
boy's name: Yato ...(: it means blueeee(:
girl's name: Yvonne...??
Occupation: yodeler? dohh..reh...mi...fa...SOOO...LAHH.TII!!!
Colour: yellow
Something to wear:
Food: Light cheese
Something found in the bathroom: Living bacteria... ... millions of them
Reason for being late: you know, my alarm clock went crazy in the morning ><
Something you shout: yay!
Font: Lucida Grandest (But doesn't show on the Blog...)
TV show:
Song title: Last Christmas by Ashley Tisdale(LUV IT!!!)
Country: Lol... I don't know...
Name 10 people to pass this on:

anyways it wasnt easy doing this test...but it was quite fun (:



(: cca was funner dan i tot at least not so boring (:
e guyz kept teasing mr ng >< color="#66ffff">(: for the atom project we are going to finish after we copy
all the information onto the poster (: yay~
in chinese class i got 口试n when the teacher ask me 那你认为有什么
解决的方法吗?den 1 guy suddenly say 当然没有 0.o i was lke
wth...n tcher was lke 别理他。。
oh ! and i got a 4 for math its not good for me though
i could have got a level 5 or 6 juz 2 careless :( ms chang say got improvement
onli a bit lah... last quiz i got 3 last last onli 2 or 1
dont really feel lke going out for christmas holiday cuz i wana take this time to revise
lke memorize bio notes chem notes history notes english reread notes og Kite Runner (:
chinese memorize n read again geography memorize phyiscs...read all the books that all e
smart smart cuzin give me (: (e explanation is much more easier ><) most importantlyyy
do more math question lke do all the practise on the wkbk n txtbk
feel so insane all of a sudden X) im doin dis insane stuff 4 my future plan to get into a gd gd s4 class n get gd scores in h1 n h2 n get in2 a gd university BUT during this process i will not tire up myself lke wat my sis did ...slp at 2 every week end to study ! how can i even do dat :S but den if its reli needed den i'll g dat insane lke wat ms chang said dun tire yurself up so early~:)
all e cuzins say dat uni is EASY...wth...easy个屁...u onli haf a chance either fail or pass
n now is the time to prepare for the crazy days ahead (:
even if i hrd b4 dat uni learn the things when u r s3 n s4 it'll b easy...but if its dat so easy, y go u?
or mayb juz to get a diploma n degree tlkin bout diploma i need to work xtra xtra hard to get into IB it's lke with IB u can get into any any gd gd uni....(:
by juz doing 1 practise paper of SAT u will no how bad yur english is....i got 5 right onli...out of 13 questions...n my essay teacher say i use too many I's dunno y its bad n for maths any secondary student can do it its sooooo easy dey show u e equations on the top n all the questions at the bottom
lke there's a sphere wats the volume of it ?
at least now i no how MATHS is "important" in IB...english is much more important...
anyways.... i juz finished reading When We Were Orphans n 5 more pages of 大象的眼泪 it was not as gd as i tot...more of an adult novel i think mayb the next book im going to read is The Sea or the chinese bk about a person who counts the sand n gives it names lke 1..2...3..4..5..6..7..8.9..i think he has lke over hundreds of it...lol
oh yeah n in english class mrs wong was tellin us bout chilli padi n what it meant: looks small, but when he/she speaks, the words can harm people alot..
for some reason, some people starting going PAD -DI PAD-DI we kept repeating it but mrs wong didnt get our jokes ...0.o~~~~ OH YEAH WE'RE GONA FINISH KITE RUNNER SOON~
but bad thng is we're gona start on shakespeare....errr is dat how u spell ?!?! 0.o
must start doing hw now (: (:
jia you ! fightinn(:



dis feeling is suppose to be a special one....but then i dont know why i want to avoid this feeling from coming back to me....either than dat i reli dunno wat i can do...*sigh*
nothin to writemuch 2day...:(



today is a NORMAL NORMAL DAY except ppl in shs had ART FESTIVALLLLL omg... i love their art festival but i heard it was 3 hrs long... i remember the last art festival i was sitting there and watching i almost fell aslp cuz it was 2 and a half hrs long! anyways it was still quite fun s i was eating lollipops thruout the whole show~ *yum* *yum*
alot of ppl left suis lke hank wayne henry erika katie anthony.. miss most of dem :S
anyways MY DAY TODAY WAS LIKE bad...then it turned better during lunch ..
during biology me and amy were turning insane over the stupid watver thingthat u call that u put glucose in it n its partially permeable oh..yeah dat's called a visking tube... XD n den ms rosalene kept saying you are not going to do experiments in my class if you are not going to tie it up. i warned you so many times . your fringe is going to get you into trouble and you are going to pull your freinds marks down. why can't your partner just warn you about it? BUT at that time i didnt bring a clip so i borrowed a hairband from christina n the clip from hedy... in total the experiment FAILED when i returned the hair thingy to christina it brokeee :( so srry
but anyways english class was quite fun i didnt bring my kite runner bk so i was busy copyinng down the notes on foolscapp paper i didnt concentrate and was drawing on hansika's bk n dat time mrs wong knocked on the tabl i was lke shockeddn i quickly wrote down watever she said. ><
n den it was lunch
when me and hedy was eating suddenly yangjie came over and said 你好beside my ear which totally freaked me out X( haha i get scared too easily :S 1 of my weaknesss X(
den yangjie ask me want to go gym i say cannot cuz muz do chemistry den he say oh ok oh i also muz do my it project haven finish sth lke dat i forgot liao ... X) but mayb if got time tommorow lunch i'll go gym instead of STAYING IN THE BORING CLASSROOMM! lols...
n den it was art...me n luwee were writing notes...XD i was sleepy n he told me to slp n i did ..but onli for 5 minutes but i felt bit better after sleeping for a tiny tiny bit .. den hit was physics mr lloyd wrote on the board
n i told hansika huh.. every physic's class suxx... anyways den we realize dat we were "sucking" from straws to measure....sth? den me hedy joxin and hansika were in a team we connected the straws together with tape but we failed... it was so fun. n when mr lloyd was tlking me and hansika were camwhoring at the back of the classroom (: fun fun (:
den it was end of skl
and when i was going down yang jie took me and weicheng's chemistry model he said minyen i hijack yur model ah! i was lke nooooooo cannot! it was sooo funny weicheng kept laughing by the side = =

anyways ...(: it was quite a fun day (:
muz do math questions ....PRACTISE PRACTISE AND PRACTISE....BUT DONT GO CRZY OVA DOING MATH QUESTIONS ....cuz its badd badd baddd XD
im getting hyper....XD