
true friends with a capital T..

"are you okay?" "im worried about you." "what happened?"
she showered him with care but then he was too hurt todo anything.
he could have said " im okay"
but then he said something else which made her more worried about him.
"just wish the best for me."
her heart lifted up with fear and her brows creased together.
she almost wanted to scream that she was really worried about him.
even if it was just a friend. a really good friend.
its wierd. she thought that he was the same as her.
knowing what hethought and stuff.
maybe thats what true friends are.
true friends with a capital T ...


f-f-finally back in singapore. urgh. was supposed to be HERE on 22nd. but then i had a fever so i was stuck there. and then came back the day bef0re oh yah. and i received his sms lke SO LATE i already decided to go WHATEVER..... so i didnt reply plus i was goin broke. my phone bill almost died for the second time. the first time it was.... cant remember. anyways
I SRSLY WANT TO GO OUT. being so zhai is damn boring.
i'll go shopping more shopping and shoppin. i'll ask my cuzins to bring me out.==*sighs* its raining outside.. depressing my mood isnt it?



urgh blogspot is still BLOCKED. damn. im not in shanghai now im in fuzhou doing stuff... went to 2 parks with my aunt and it was TTLY FUN.
yesterday went out to ktv 第一次那么疯...lol(: den gossiped bout stuff xD
have to go in 5 minutes... kelvin is a bit unhappy or maybe very unhappy sigh so WORRIED ABOUT HIM.
ily dear mr popular?

and and i cant wait for 0722 to come(: