你有60-75% 信心dat she lkes u too:
try to b closer to her
to be nicer to her
when she looks unhappy try to tease her and give her encouragement (:
when she is happy or high accompany her and be high together XD
你有80%的信心datshe lkes u too
hint to her that u care bout her life ( everything dat is happenin to her); when she tlks bout her frenz tlk bout yurs too lke all dose funny stuff XD and memorable stuff (:
你有90% 的信心datshe lkes you too
bake her stuff ( cookies cupcakes....) watever that she likes to eat
give her stuff ( watever stuff she lkes) toy bears choco or mayb a simple card ( make it funny.. lke draw a teddy bear dere and write"hi i am a cute little bear (: bla bla bla :D)
u have 100 percent she lkes u/she loves u
even though she is with her frenz ask her lke to go for a walk around the skl or sth =.= wat i mean is both of u can haf yur own time together and juz chat (:
also another thing:
if u r still frenz and u think she lkes u
if she is not the kinda gal who gets jealous easily, dont have to read the below stuff
but if she is ....
errr wat crap im tlking bout... i alredi asked u dis b4 = =
but yahh~
most importantly
1. have confidence when tlking to her... or at least try yur best
2. smile to her and make loads of eye contact with her
3. follow yur hrt (:
加油~ ~ 加油~~ hope you 追到她~
btw dis is not all of it ... i mean i cld juz think of dese stuff XD will write more lah ~~~ any ways gl (:
Hii! I'm Min Yen and I'm sixteen this year(: I LOVE shopping with my friends every time when we're free!
u r soo pissing me off cant blive of how you cant even trust yourself believe in yourself. its not dat fishing hard rite? urgh. watever is right is right watever is wrong WILL FOREVER BE WRONG
think about yourself. have you ever really sat there and thought before. thought of what you did wrong in the past. i did that before. THANKS TO MY DARLING DEAR FRENZ (I AM NOT TRYING TO BE SACARSTIC) i learned from the past AND MOST OF ALL from my own mistakes ! i lost ALL BEFORE thats y i treasure it more than you now.
think about yourself. have you ever really sat there and thought before. thought of what you did wrong in the past. i did that before. THANKS TO MY DARLING DEAR FRENZ (I AM NOT TRYING TO BE SACARSTIC) i learned from the past AND MOST OF ALL from my own mistakes ! i lost ALL BEFORE thats y i treasure it more than you now.
whole mind is about SPRAYPAINT omg it is soooo addictive
in art class we were lke first spraypainting mine and luwee's emo man (: we got sooo addictive den we started spraying on paper XD
hansika n rebbeca made a R+H it was so sweet (: i cant belive that graffiti is fun we almost wanted to paint the walls tooo!!!
n den we cut the back of our notebooks n spray painted dose too it was reli reli reli reli EXTREMEELY COOL!
2。男的要主动点 dun let the grl wait too long...
y m i answering kelvin''s question here......_. aiyahh but who cares juz gl with her
in art class we were lke first spraypainting mine and luwee's emo man (: we got sooo addictive den we started spraying on paper XD
hansika n rebbeca made a R+H it was so sweet (: i cant belive that graffiti is fun we almost wanted to paint the walls tooo!!!
n den we cut the back of our notebooks n spray painted dose too it was reli reli reli reli EXTREMEELY COOL!
2。男的要主动点 dun let the grl wait too long...
y m i answering kelvin''s question here......_. aiyahh but who cares juz gl with her
life is a tough tough road.
"take them out of school....learn until like that... what's the difference?"
who wldnt haf got :( if dey're mom said dat...
i no im not lke sis ....
im not as hardworking as her u no
when u saw the report card u onli said dat the grades rnt dat gd...
i kept thinking wat bout the gd things mom... u've never said anything bout it.
i told u the comments were gd n u said the tchers always write dat way
i use it to encourage myself. cuz i lke gd comments n tons of encouragement....esp from my family...
i duno y im lke saying dis...
im going to prove dat im so much better dan my sister. i must do it...
cuz dat way u''ll encourage me more rite. the way u encourage sis.
who wldnt haf got :( if dey're mom said dat...
i no im not lke sis ....
im not as hardworking as her u no
when u saw the report card u onli said dat the grades rnt dat gd...
i kept thinking wat bout the gd things mom... u've never said anything bout it.
i told u the comments were gd n u said the tchers always write dat way
i use it to encourage myself. cuz i lke gd comments n tons of encouragement....esp from my family...
i duno y im lke saying dis...
im going to prove dat im so much better dan my sister. i must do it...
cuz dat way u''ll encourage me more rite. the way u encourage sis.
letter to ct
sigh...i cant believe im stuck at home and not at brilliance now :(
haf alot of things to say to ct
i think i'll say ithere...
christina: i miss you ALOT u know i may sound a bit..les? but how much i miss u i dun think can b lke written in words n even if i write it it will fill up more than this page. i cant blive im not with u 2day and playing with u and macy n other ppl im sry :( i have alot alot alot of things to ask u
lke.... how r u in scis? r the ppl nice dere dya haf frenz ? hows life now?...
i really really miss u alot ct. u no for the whole day my mind is filled up with all the happy n sad days with u n macy n hedy n joxin. i remember the day when we were at brilliance n i ate the sundae n we tlked bout sick stuff XD it was so funny rite? we tried brainwashing u with it ! AND AND do u remember the corn thingy macy told us XD
it was reli fun days (:
lemme tell u stuff dat happen in ssis. now macy n i hang out with each other she's lke a sista to me (: i think macy is being more independant alredi. i'll try my best to help her (: i wun let her be alone next cca, and i wont let her be with the ppl who she DUZEN lke in cca (:
tommorow is valentines day, sooo HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ~
dey had a valentines thingy and harry dedicated a song to MR NG JI WAI! it was reli reli reli hilarious. and me jingyi christy macy joxin n hedy were lke *woot**claps* den we went to find harry IMMEDIATELY n he said he wrote the name as a grlz name ! haha ~~
life's being a bit difficult now cuz i haf to make alot alot alot of discisions. but its ok, its all stuff dat every1 has to go through (:
min yen a.k.a christina's husband (:
haf alot of things to say to ct
i think i'll say ithere...
christina: i miss you ALOT u know i may sound a bit..les? but how much i miss u i dun think can b lke written in words n even if i write it it will fill up more than this page. i cant blive im not with u 2day and playing with u and macy n other ppl im sry :( i have alot alot alot of things to ask u
lke.... how r u in scis? r the ppl nice dere dya haf frenz ? hows life now?...
i really really miss u alot ct. u no for the whole day my mind is filled up with all the happy n sad days with u n macy n hedy n joxin. i remember the day when we were at brilliance n i ate the sundae n we tlked bout sick stuff XD it was so funny rite? we tried brainwashing u with it ! AND AND do u remember the corn thingy macy told us XD
it was reli fun days (:
lemme tell u stuff dat happen in ssis. now macy n i hang out with each other she's lke a sista to me (: i think macy is being more independant alredi. i'll try my best to help her (: i wun let her be alone next cca, and i wont let her be with the ppl who she DUZEN lke in cca (:
tommorow is valentines day, sooo HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ~
dey had a valentines thingy and harry dedicated a song to MR NG JI WAI! it was reli reli reli hilarious. and me jingyi christy macy joxin n hedy were lke *woot**claps* den we went to find harry IMMEDIATELY n he said he wrote the name as a grlz name ! haha ~~
life's being a bit difficult now cuz i haf to make alot alot alot of discisions. but its ok, its all stuff dat every1 has to go through (:
min yen a.k.a christina's husband (:
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